The Importance of Nooks:

I’m a social butterfly who, instead of having babies and dying off for the winter months, retreats to a nook. Preferably, a nook with a book. My favourite nooks have a hard exterior and a soft interior to support my body but feed me comfort. I feel as though nooks are different for everybody. Some bodies fancy their nooks as a safe space, some need them to be grassy or watery, for some it’s simply a quiet corner of their brain- a happy place or memory. 

But my nook is square, I’m much like a cat in the way that boxed spaces attract me most. My nook has books. I’m not an avid reader but I am an escapist artist, which is to say that I am an artist in need of escape. An escape that books provide quite well. 

My nook has me, an artist, a dancer, a fiercely quiet mover committed to social change and the liberation of bodies through movement.

My nook takes the weight off my feet, pelvis, spine, and head for a minute. It allows my body to adjust to being in the brain space, to rest. And I know you’re going to laugh when I say rest, but I hope you don’t. I hope you unlearn that terrible dancer mentality of never feeling like you’re allowed rest. 

So please, draw, visualise, create or find your own nook… and find rest.

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